Instrument Usage & Maintenance Policy
Students are expected to adhere to the following rules when practicing and taking lessons using the piano and percussion instruments owned and assigned by Mahanaim.
Food and Drink are not allowed in practice rooms, except for water in a resealable container.
Students should not handle or play instruments with dirty hands.
It is prohibited to put or rest anything on instruments that can damage those instruments.
Users are responsible for any damage or loss to the instruments.
Mahanaim is not responsible for any items left or lost.
Grand pianos must be covered after use.
I. Requesting an Instrument
Students wishing to use the grand pianos in the auditorium or Mahanaim Hall should submit an Instrument Usage Form. Requests for the use of a grand piano must be made at least 24 hours prior to the desired usage time.
Likewise, students studying percussion can use percussion instruments owned by Mahanaim, including the marimba, timpani, snare drum, etc., through the same application process. As above, the one-time instrument usage requests must be made at least 24 hours before the desired usage time via the Instrument Usage Form.
Percussion students can apply for long-term use of percussion instruments for multiple lessons and up to 18 hours of practice every week for repetitive lessons and practice. Requests for long-term use of percussion instruments can be made through the same form, but the student must indicate “long-term usage,” at the beginning of the term.
Instruments are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. However, in cases where one request conflicts with a lesson schedule, the lesson takes precedence. Piano and percussion students have priority when using grand pianos or percussion instruments, respectively.
The Instrument Manager may adjust or reject permission to use the instrument according to the purpose of use and the program of the applicant.
Users are responsible for any loss or damage to the instrument and will be responsible for repair or replacement costs.
II. Instrument Maintenance
Office of Academic Affairs
Room 114a