Disciplinary Measures Policy
Under the Disciplinary Measures Policy, the following are the sanctions that Mahanaim’s Judiciary Committee or Academic Council may impose on a student who has violated a school policy including: Academic Integrity, Satisfactory Academic Progress, Attendance Policy, and the Student Code of Conduct.
I. Probation
Probation is a term used to designate a temporary period of close academic supervision of a student by the Office of Academic Affairs, generally including some form of learning plan or other support services, imposed with certain conditions (e.g. stricter attendance requirements) to improve unsatisfactory academic performance.
A student may be placed on academic probation for failure to meet the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, for violations of the Academic Integrity policy, for failing to adhere to a CARE team plan, or for repeated Attendance Policy violations. Probation will usually last one term, but it may be extended for a second term upon review by the Academic Council at the end of the term if the conditions imposed on him/her have not been met. If a student is on probation for more than two terms, he/she is subject to suspension or expulsion. Any violation of these rules, the conditions of probation, or other school rules committed during the probationary period will subject the student to further discipline, including suspension or expulsion.
II. Suspension
Suspension is a term used to designate a temporary period of separation from the school where a student previously on academic probation has failed to meet the conditions of Satisfactory Academic Progress or satisfy other academic probation conditions imposed by the school for more than one term. A student may also be suspended on the grounds of a serious Academic Integrity, Student Code of Conduct, or Attendance Policy violation without having been on probation first.
Students who have been suspended may not take Mahanaim courses or participate in rehearsals, ensembles, performances, student organizations, school functions, or campus activities for the remainder of the current term plus one full term afterward. The student is prohibited from accessing the school campus during this time. International students who are suspended will have their I-20 terminated and will need to leave the United States immediately.
Students who have been suspended are eligible to return after they have satisfied the conditions of the suspension set by the school and will automatically be placed on probation for their first term of re-enrollment and must adhere to any conditions of that probation. Students wishing to return to the school after a period of suspension must follow the same re-audition procedures as a student who is returning after a one-year leave of absence.
III. Expulsion
Expulsion is a term used to designate a student’s permanent separation from the school. Once expelled, students may not petition for readmission to the school or any other school campus or division governed by the board. The student’s enrollment is terminated, financial support ceases, and all amounts owed to Mahanaim by the student are due. International students who are expelled will have their I-20 terminated and will need to leave the United States immediately. An indication of expulsion may appear on the student's transcript. The expelled student will not participate in any school-related activity and will be permanently banned from school property.
Mahanaim reserves the right to expel any student whose continued attendance or behavior is considered detrimental to the interest of his or her fellow students or of Mahanaim. Other reasons for expulsion include serious violations of the Academic Integrity or Student Code of Conduct policies.
IV. Appeals
A student has the right to appeal a decision made by the Judiciary Committee or Academic Council. For information regarding the appeals process, please see the Mahanaim Judicial Process page.
V. Other Possible Actions
Warning: A written statement advising the student that a violation of a school policy has been committed and that further violations may result in more severe disciplinary action.
Referral to Counseling: Having the student schedule a mandatory counseling session(s) with the Chief Experience Officer for a set duration or until the CXO makes a recommendation to the Judiciary Committee.
Learning Plan: A plan to address certain academic or musical areas that have led to a student being placed on probation or suspension. May also include information literacy.
Financial Hold: A status documented in the registrar's official file which may preclude the student from registering, from receiving course grades, from receiving transcripts, or from graduating until financial clearance has been received from the Chief Financial Officer in accordance with school rules.
Restricted Access to School Property: A student’s access to school property, including electronic resources, may be restricted for a specified period of time or until certain conditions are met.
Removal from student housing and/or dining: A student’s access to school housing and dining services may be restricted for a specified period of time or until certain conditions are met.
Loss of Privileges: A student will be restricted from participating in school activities, functions, or events, from accessing certain facilities or services of the school for a specified period of time or until certain conditions are met.
Restitution: Payment to the school or to other persons, groups, or organizations for damage to property or costs incurred as a result of the violation of the Student Code of Conduct. In the event that more than one student is involved, the cost of restitution will be divided equally among the guilty parties.
Grade Penalty: A grade of F will be given for the work in which the offense occurred or failure for the course.
Administrative Drop: A student may be dropped from a course in which a violation has occurred.
Interim Action: The school may impose restrictions on a student or suspend a student for an interim period prior to resolution of the student’s violation.
Other sanctions such as but not limited to work assignments, essays, service, etc. are permissible under existing school rules and will be determined case-by-case.